Saturday, August 24, 2013

bring kids to work

today is company's annual big event : "bring kids to work"!

as usual i invited my two little sweetheart to work...

all the activities was very well planned. kids have to pick a job to work and earn money. with the money earned, they will deposit them into the bank. 

a mini branch was set up to let the kids open a passbook account. after putting the money into the bank, they can cont' work and earn money or they can withdraw the money with a atm card and buy things they like from the mini shop.

well of course... at the end... they used up all the money to redeem small gifts...

among all the "looks" of the job. i like these two the most...  

Sunday, August 11, 2013

sorry... and thank you...

sorry that i know i have been depress lately...
sorry that i made everyone worry about me again...
sorry that i have been hiding again...
sorry that i disappointed everyone again...
sorry that i didn't love myself like the way you all loved me...

sorry my 2 best high school friends...
sorry i scared you both...
sorry i disappointed you both...
but thanks for not giving up on me..
i love you...

thank you for all your love...
thank you for all the courage...
thank you for the "tricks" (without these tricks i won't come out)...

although i don't feel like celebrating on my birthday...
you all gave me a lovely moment on my birthday some weeks ago...

i am so touched...

* my favor accessory brand from 2 of my best friend in life... 
* you two always know what i like...
* you two knows how melt me...
* you two always stand beside me all the time...
* you two gave me all your love...
* thanks so much....

* thanks my dear cousin and family...
* my 2 little sweetheart... thank you... 
* i know you use your own pocket money to get me these...
* bigger one got me the notebook, notepad and pen from franc franc... 
* smaller one got me my favor candy...

* a sweet and touching card from the bigger one...
* the message inside the card melted me...
* i was soooo touched...
* non stop crying when reading it... 
* you two are my favor girls forever too...
* ee love you too... 

* the bigger one also draw me this...
* love the drawing so much...
* so i got this frame to wrap it up...
* love seeing this drawing at home everyday...
* this is like my battery...
* seeing this... give me energy...

love you all...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

my kai-lui Anya...

my first ka-lui!
my dearest friend lailay...
i so happy for you...
thanks for bring her to the world!
love you!!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

my kj bb chu

happy dinner out with my dearest kj : bbchu!

Friday, July 26, 2013

poor adria but happy sasa

when we return from guam...
their whole family got sick...
bj and bjf are fever...
adria got "hand foot mouth" diseases...
only sasa is well...
so bj decided to send her to me for the weekend...

look at her...
so happy!
coz i took her out for mango sweet...
let her play with iPhone...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

guam day 4

my last dinner for this guam trip...
another buffet dinner by the sunset...
before dinner...
we had a walk on the beach...
a beautiful view...

i took this nice picture of adria...
she is 9 yrs old now...
can't believe this...
time flies...

my two little sweetheart...

ee loves you both...

my dearest family...
i love you all...

thanks for the endless love...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

guam day 3

after this lunch... we will start the round island trip...

how come they are always so sweet...
both of them are pretty girls...

Friday, July 19, 2013

guam day 2

the girls family are having fun at the beach...
me and mom are having coffee at the cafe...
this is always my best time in guam...
this is always the best view in guam (in my eyes)...

adria is a big girl now...
sexy pose...

both of them are having real fun...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

guam day 1

after the whole day sleep for me...
i am totally recharged...
yes... i slept from 9am to 6pm!
girls... let's go out for the dinner buffet!

i love making ice cream cones with the girls everytime we have buffet together!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

guam boarding...arrival...

we are ready to go guam la!
this is adria's second visit...
and sasa's first visit...
guam here we come...

for me...
i haven't return home for a few years...
i think it was 3-4 years already...
honestly... i think i miss home...
(did i call guam home?!)

the sun is up...
and we are here...

good morning guam...

Friday, January 25, 2013


this week we start to talk via sms again...
these sms seems calm...
i'm not sure if this is real calm or not...

yes, i told him about the gift from above...
shit... yes i should not tell him... i told myself not to tell him...
why did i tell him...
i don't want him to think i do this for him or for us...
shit... i shouldn't have tell him...
cos i want things to move as the way it goes... not because of anything...

shit... i ruin everything again...
what's wrong with me...
i hate myself...

pls... pls... guide me and take me to where i belong...
pls... pls... give me the route and let me walk on it...
i don't want to think...
i don't want to plan...
i don't know what to do...

pressure from here... (dad mom)
pressure from there... (families)
pressure from inside... (myself)
pressure from outside... (work, life, money)
pressure pressure pressure everywhere....

Friday, January 18, 2013

2 good news in 2013

had dinner with my dear friend tonight... she is one of my best friend in life, as we share a lot of similarities:
* we are leo
* she is just 3 days older then me
* our ___ went to the same high school
* her ___ is just 4 days older then my ___
* we love softhard
* we love concerts
* we are "moog bite bite"
* we have "crocodile head" but is a "dump sheep" inside

* 2012 new years eve, a good news from her to become "mrs___"
* today, another good news from her to become "a mother"

i feel so happy for her...
she is my best friend, she is happy, i am happy too!


deep inside me...
i'm very upset for myself...
what am i doing now...
what happened to me...
all these triggered my nerves...