Saturday, August 24, 2013

bring kids to work

today is company's annual big event : "bring kids to work"!

as usual i invited my two little sweetheart to work...

all the activities was very well planned. kids have to pick a job to work and earn money. with the money earned, they will deposit them into the bank. 

a mini branch was set up to let the kids open a passbook account. after putting the money into the bank, they can cont' work and earn money or they can withdraw the money with a atm card and buy things they like from the mini shop.

well of course... at the end... they used up all the money to redeem small gifts...

among all the "looks" of the job. i like these two the most...  

Sunday, August 11, 2013

sorry... and thank you...

sorry that i know i have been depress lately...
sorry that i made everyone worry about me again...
sorry that i have been hiding again...
sorry that i disappointed everyone again...
sorry that i didn't love myself like the way you all loved me...

sorry my 2 best high school friends...
sorry i scared you both...
sorry i disappointed you both...
but thanks for not giving up on me..
i love you...

thank you for all your love...
thank you for all the courage...
thank you for the "tricks" (without these tricks i won't come out)...

although i don't feel like celebrating on my birthday...
you all gave me a lovely moment on my birthday some weeks ago...

i am so touched...

* my favor accessory brand from 2 of my best friend in life... 
* you two always know what i like...
* you two knows how melt me...
* you two always stand beside me all the time...
* you two gave me all your love...
* thanks so much....

* thanks my dear cousin and family...
* my 2 little sweetheart... thank you... 
* i know you use your own pocket money to get me these...
* bigger one got me the notebook, notepad and pen from franc franc... 
* smaller one got me my favor candy...

* a sweet and touching card from the bigger one...
* the message inside the card melted me...
* i was soooo touched...
* non stop crying when reading it... 
* you two are my favor girls forever too...
* ee love you too... 

* the bigger one also draw me this...
* love the drawing so much...
* so i got this frame to wrap it up...
* love seeing this drawing at home everyday...
* this is like my battery...
* seeing this... give me energy...

love you all...