and something very sweet happened...
~ when little chris met adria, he held her hand and started their walk...
~ chris was like a gentleman... smiling all along the walk...
~ adria was very timid... just walked along with chris...
~ and adria was very caring too, she held her little sister azalea hand and walked together...
very cute and sweet little kids...
all kids say cheers together...
from left to right...
sophie, timothy, azalea, adria, christopher and michael
how come adria is so girly now? she used to be a boy!!! hahaha!!!!
really sweet pic... ^^
sabe... yes, she is getting girly now (you should see her "hum ching mug mug simle)... but sasa still looks like a boy...
ah lui... yes... she is very sweet now... we should take her out again sometimes la...
ho ar.. let's take them out.. i am always free on sat after 4 (coz i'll start my photography class this week) and sun..
sa sa's just like little adria.. like a boy when she's a babe.. when will she "transform"?? =P
yes. let's take her ice-skating la... she wants to try and i promised her i will take her there gar... she reminds me everytime i see her arr...
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