Sunday, October 19, 2008

the only thing that i can "bling" for diana

i just can't find anything in my collection that is "bling" enough to tie with the wedding party theme... it will be an outdoor party, dress code is casual... so hard to think of anything to wear....

i went down to mk saturday afternoon... trying to find some bling bling accessories, maybe hairbands or brooches... but they are just tooo...too..."c lai" and "leung leung"... can find anything i can buy...

so... i decided to make my own bling bling hairband...

hhhaha... not bad wor... i pretty like it wor... heheh..ehhh...


ashlee 魚 said...

it's really more than just not bad, it's pretty ar !

kaekae said...

thanks ashlee... but the "bling bling" stickets kept falling out gar... it only looks okay but not functional...