Monday, August 11, 2008

qpot goodies from elsa

had dinner with elsa and carmen tonight (finally!)... i don't know why it is always so hard to meet up the 2...especially elsa... my dear... seems like it is always hard for me meet up your schedule... so happy that we can gather up tonight for some chats / updates...

thanks elsa for the qpot goodies...
i know that are not easy to get....

so excited before open... the plastic bag and boxes are so pretty...

oh my god... they are so lovely... so real... (yes they are not real chocolate and biscuit)

byebye blackie devil case... i'm really sorry...

left: qpot brown chocolate bar ipod case
right: qpot dark drown biscuit cord holder

finally i can tidy up my ipod, radio adaptor and headphone all together!!!


aileen ♥ motu said...

very nice!!
has elsa also helped me to buy one set?

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! it's sooo cute~
may i ask where i can buy this?

kaekae said...

yes, yours are with me now. will give them to you asap.

kaekae said...

my friend got them in japan. check out their shops at

oh i saw a shop at cwb laforet selling them arr...

Anonymous said...

aiya thanks for yr birthday song ar, sorry that i am not in HK, so reply u so late la hehehehe

i like this set too ar, where can buy ar ??? i go to cwb laforet yesterday ar but cannot see wor ????

kaekae said...

i don't remember which shop at cwb laforet la... i think it is somewhere towards to end of the mall... they are placed inside a glasses shelf facing the shop window. that means you don't have to go inside the shop to look for it gae... hope you can find it la...